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& Julia

- Tennessee -


Quick Facts

  • Location

  • Neighborhood Type

  • Adopted Before

  • Relationship Status

  • Pets

    1 Cat
  • Children



  • Ethnicity:
  • Speaks:
  • Religion:
    African Traditional & Diasporic
  • Education:
  • Occupation:

About Julia

  • Ethnicity:
  • Speaks:
  • Religion:
  • Education:
    College Degree
  • Occupation:
    Education Director/Coach

Building Our Family Through Adoption

Our Letter To You

Dear Birth Mother,

Thank you so much for taking the time to learn about and consider us as your child’s adoptive parents. It is our hope that this profile gives you a glimpse at how much we love each other and how thankful we are for the incredible support system surrounding us. We admire you for your strength and courage during this process. We cannot imagine the feelings you have, or will experience, in your decision to plan an adoption for your child. We offer our sincere support during this time.

We promise your child will always know their entire life’s journey, beginning with you and your love. We promise to celebrate your child’s individuality, culture, and dreams. We will support their curiosity with fun adventures and new experiences. We will surround your child with unconditional love and support through life’s joys and challenges.

Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to tell you about our dreams and taken the time to know our story. It has always been a dream for us to be parents and we want to share the blessings we were given as children to our child.

Once again, we thank you and hope you feel empowered and supported during this process.

Dustin and Julia

Our Parenting Style

Adoption Preferences

  • Preferred Gender
    Boy, Boy
  • Preferred Age
  • Willing to Adopt
  • Preferred Adoption Type
  • Child’s Ethnicity
  • Special Needs
    Yes (all)

Family Photos

Contact & Julia

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