- Michigan -
We are extremely grateful to you for considering us to become parents to your child. As a couple, we truly believe that God has led us to the path of adoption to achieve our dreams of becoming parents. Not only do we have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for each other, but also for the strength and courage that you have exemplified in this decision. We are overjoyed to work with you throughout this process.
IN DAVE'S WORDS: Kristen is the most caring, unselfish, and hardworkingwoman that I have ever met. She gives so much love to others and is genuinely a good person. Kristen values honesty, respect, and compassion, and she demonstrates this to everyone she comes in contact with. This is what truly makes her excel in her role as a family physician. She adores Ella and is an amazing mother in every aspect. She is a wonderful role model to our family and a true example of strength and perseverance. FAVORITE THINGS: Sunsets on the beach • Coffee • Cuddling with Ella before bedtime • Having a patient thank me for taking good care of them. • Thunderstorms
IN KRISTEN'S WORDS: I love Dave’s fantastic sense of humor and infectious smile. He is honest, caring, and sensitive. Dave is very hardworking, dependable, and always stays true to his word. He has a true compassion for those less fortunate, and his countless years of volunteering with various organizations has inspired me to give back to those in need. He is such a hands-on father to Ella, and she is truly daddy’s little girl. I can see that he will instill strong values into a child, teaching them to respect others and show them by example how to care for the ones you love. FAVORITE THINGS: Sports, especially football season • Playing peek-a-boo with Ella • Reading a good book • Traveling to tropical destinations. • Riding his bike or kayaking
We have an enormous amount of love to give a child and can assure you that your child will be raised to be an honest, ethical, respectful, generous, and faith-filled individual, who will be encouraged to pursue his or her dreams. Education will be paramount in the child’s upbringing, and we intend to support and encourage the child every step of the way.
We wish for this child to be active in sports or dance classes, in addition to volunteer activities to assist those less fortunate and in need. Our dreams are for him or her to go to college to further their education, to have the opportunity to travel and see the world, and to ultimately find their soulmate and start a family of their own.
We hope to instill the philosophy to “think big, dream big, believe big, and the results will be big.”
We live in a suburban neighborhood with many local parks and playgrounds, and a downtown area with many unique shops and restaurants.
Our favorite time in our city is at Christmas, when they have an amazing display of lights on all the buildings. People drive from near and far to see the beautiful view.
We have always dreamed of becoming parents, but this hasn’t happened for us easily.
Our dream of parenthood became a reality in December 2018 when our daughter Ella was born and became a part of our family through the beautiful gift of adoption.
Watching her grow and develop over the years has been such a joy!
Our greatest desire is to expand our family through adoption, to provide Ella with a brother or sister, and another child for us to love unconditionally.
We both come from very close-knit families. Family togetherness is something we both have grown up with and value most of all. We regularly attend family dinners, holiday parties, and the birthday parties of our eight nieces and nephews.
Kristen’s sister and parents live close and we spend a lot of time with her two younger nephews, who lovingly refer to her as “Aunt Kiki.” Sunday dinners with her family are something that we often enjoy during the weekends.
Spending Christmas Eve at her mom’s house for her annual party, followed by attending Midnight Mass, has been a tradition Kristen has grown up with, and one that we intend to continue. Kristen’s parents have a condo in Florida, and we love to vacation there annually to escape the cold.
Dave’s family is a little larger, with two parents, two older sisters and a brother, all of whom live close. We have always enjoyed attending the baseball, football, and basketball games of his six nieces and nephews and also enjoy touring their college campuses now that they are getting older. Participating in the white elephant gift tradition for Christmas has been a family favorite.
Our families are ecstatic to soon be welcoming a new grandchild and niece/nephew, and we can’t wait to introduce this child not only to our extended family, but, especially to his or her big sister, Ella!