- Illinois -
Hello there! See our entire family profile by clicking "Download Family Profile" above. We (Dave and Jessica) have been married for 10 years. We met in college and have been glued together ever since. Our daughter Rose is 5 years old and we hope to adopt more children to complete our family. We operate a family farm in the Midwest and our lives are constantly filled with the outdoors, sunshine, adventures, and muddy puddles! See what antics we've been up to by looking at our pictures below.
Hi! If I had to describe myself in a few words, I'd say I'm a warm, outgoing, outdoorsy, heart-on-my-sleeve type of gal. My husband would probably add fiery redhead to the mix too! I'm at stay-at-home mother to our daughter Rose and I love every minute of it. I especially love reading to Rose and cooking with her in the kitchen. Kids love to be included by learning hands on and I'd say that's the philosophy I take with Rose. She goes where I go and does what I do. Living in the country provides all kinds of adventures and learning experiences. We garden together, take care of the chickens, ride tractors or ATVs around the farm, and play wiffle ball as a family in the yard. I also love to take trips to town where we go to the library, swim at the public pool, and meet friends at the playground. My favorite color is yellow and my last meal on earth would definitely have to be something chocolate! My favorite tv series is The Office and one of my favorite books is Little Women. Fun facts about me, I've never broken a bone, I pour milk over my ice cream, and I have a burning desire to cook like Julia Child. In my down time, I like to draw (I'm very artsy), read, volunteer at church, and get our friends together for a "game night." I'd say I'm most happy sitting on our front porch with a warm drink in hand laughing with my family. That's me in a nutshell!
Hi, I’m Dave. If I had to describe myself in a few words words, it would be hard-working, outdoorsy, adventurous, and loyal. My greatest achievement is being a husband and father. I’m a proud father to our 5 year old daughter Rose. She says she loves her Dad because I “tickle her” and do fun things with her. We're constantly goofing off together and playing games. I love to include her in everything I do. I must have rubbed off on her because our daughter now says that when she grows up she wants to be a “fix-it girl!” On the farm things are always needing fixed. I'd say most of the time my hands are dirty from whatever project I’m working on but I’m always enjoying time outdoors with my family. My favorite color is blue and my first choice at a restaurant is definitely fried chicken. I love snow skiing. I’d say my ideal vacation is either snow skiing in the mountains of Colorado or fly fishing in the streams of Yellowstone. Some fun facts about me, I was captain of my high school football team, I can snow ski black diamond (expert level) trails, and I’ve always wanted to get my pilot’s license. We are blessed with acres of beautiful farmland but I have to say the view I love the most is from my front porch looking in at my family. We are so hopeful for another child to complete our family.
Dear Expectant Mother,
Wow, you made it to this point. That says a whole lot about you. No matter the road that led you here, we want you to know how incredibly brave, selfless, and strong you are. You may not know it yet, but you’re a lot stronger than you realize. Life never throws obstacles our way that we’re not strong enough to endure. Whether you choose adoption or decide to parent, it takes a whole lot of love and guts to get to this point and we truly admire you.
We know that you’ve wrestled with this decision and hope you find comfort and joy in your choice. We also hope you feel some of that comfort and joy looking at our family profile. We can tell you that our family is, and always will be, filled with adventure, faith, loyalty, and love. Faith and family come first in our house and we’re never afraid to get silly or weird. Our daughter Rose has a motto, “Farm girls never give up!” Our adopted child will feel that devotion on day one regardless of their race, gender, or age. Family is more to us than a picture on the family tree, and we promise to love your child unconditionally and raise them in a Christian environment surrounded by support and encouragement. They will always know how brave and selfless their mother is and how grateful we are for her choice.
With Great Gratitude and Love,
Dave, Jessica, and Rose
Hands-on and intentional!