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- New York -


My name is Elizabeth and I appreciate you taking the time to look at my life at a glance. I have strong morals and values when it comes to family. I was raised by amazing people who define the word parent. They have taught me so much and I can only hope to carry on these values to my child. It is my greatest wish to become a mother and I hope and pray to one day have a child that I will love deeply and share so many special memories with.

Quick Facts

  • Location

    New York
  • Neighborhood Type

  • Adopted Before

  • Relationship Status

  • Pets

  • Children


About Elizabeth

  • Ethnicity:
  • Speaks:
  • Religion:
  • Education:
    College Degree
  • Occupation:

Building Our Family Through Adoption

Our Letter To You

Our Parenting Style

Adoption Preferences

  • Preferred Gender
    Open to either gender, Open to either gender
  • Preferred Age
  • Willing to Adopt
  • Preferred Adoption Type
  • Child’s Ethnicity
  • Special Needs
    Yes (all)

My Story

I believe that my friends and family would best describe me as warm, caring, passionate and a true friend. There isn't anything that I would not do for the people that I love. When it comes to family I am very protective of their needs and feelings. My love for my family and friends is strong. From the time I was in Kindergarten, I have always wanted to be a teacher. I have been a teacher for 20 years and currently teach Kindergarten. I love my students dearly and treat them as if they are my own kids. I try to make them each feel special in their own way. I love to cook and bake! Christmas time is my favorite time to bake and be creative. Traveling around the country and to new cities has been educational and fun. I love to meet new people from different cultures. I appreciate all of the wonderful things life has to offer. I hope that someday I can share my love and life with my child. I greatly look forward to becoming a mom and know that I can give so much of myself to a child.

Family Photos

Contact Elizabeth

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