Blinded Faith
Stork Babies – Born Babies
These are babies that are born babies or born very soon. They are called a few things but most call them stork drops, born babies, emergency situations, Immediate Adoption Situation, or Immediate Birth Adoption Opportunity. This occurs when a Birth Mother chooses adoption when the baby is born or right before the birth and doesn’t already have an adoption plan in place.
This means there is limited information, if any available about the baby. No previous contact with the birth mother, or extremely limited. No information on family history, medical history, or birth father.
The “what-if” question is always asked. We do everything we can to provide the most information when these situations come in. But most of the time we don’t get the answers before a family has been identified. Our new system (Instant Profile System – IPS) also allows the adoption professional or caseworker to view all the families that are open to stork drops.
We have been working on providing these types of situations for a long time and have had amazing results.
Due to the urgency of timing, when presented with an immediate situation, likely with no, to limited information about the Birth Parents.
If you have decided that you are able to accept an immediate adoption situation,
Every family’s adoption journey will be unique, and these situations are not for everyone.
This option is not for everyone, and that’s ok. BEFORE you decide if this is right for you, please take some time to consider the following.
If you have decided that you are able to accept an immediate adoption situation:
1. Are you ready for the reality of bringing home a baby in such a short period of time?
2. Will you be prepared to leave right away and travel to where the Birth Mother and baby are located?
3. It will be important for your home study to be up to date because adoption laws will preclude you from moving forward otherwise.
4. An immediate adoption situation will require flexibility and the ability to handle the unexpected.
5. How soon can you leave?
6. Are you open to a drug positive/NAS baby?
7. Are you open to Fetal Alcohol exposure?
8. Are you open to a preemie?
9. How long can you stay if baby is in NICU?
10. Are you open to birth defects? If so to what level?
11. Are you comfortable with a parental history of mental health?
12. Are you comfortable with a baby born due to rape or incest?
13. Are you willing to accept placement of a special needs infant?
14. Are you open to a stork drop that has zero information besides birth conditions?
15. This may potentially be a closed adoption are you comfortable with that
16. Are you ok with no prenatal care or medical history?
17. Do you have the necessary items ready for a quick placement? IE: infant car seat, small diaper bag ready, bottles
18. What are your liquid funds?
19. What funds do you have in grants or loans available?
However, the adoption professionals will be in communication with you and will also be working behind the scenes on coordinating the adoption with the hospital and Birth Mother, working on the legal pathway, addressing Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children issues, if applicable. So don’t worry you will not be alone.
Every family’s adoption journey will be unique.